Cervical Disc Degeneration
Cervical Disc Degeneration
The interverbal disc lies between each bones of the neck (vertebrae). the cervical disc serves as a cushion between the vertebrae allowing movement of the neck (neck flexion, extension, and turning side to side).
Each disc is a cylindrical soft pad composed of an outer annulus and inner gel (nucleus)
As aging of the cervical spine occurs, there is a loss of water content and the cervical disc becomes prone to tearing and herniation. Bone spurs can develop and stiffness and neck pain result. Commonly headaches, shoulder pain and neurologic symptoms (arm pain) being to appear. Most patients can manage their neck pain with a combination of adjusting activities which can aggravate the neck such as avoiding overhead lifting, pushing and pulling and avoid certain neck positions. Conservative treatment with exercise, physical therapy, neck traction, chiropractic, spinal injections can reduce or eliminate symptoms.
Surgical treatment may be necessary if neck pain, arm or hand symptoms remain despite conservative care.
Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) or artificial total disc replacement (ADR) is the gold stand of cervical surgery. Ninety percent of patients can resume normal function because of surgery with elimination of neck and arm pain, headaches, after surgery.