Microsurgical Laminotomy And Disckectomy
A herniated disc in the Lumbar Spine can cause compression of the nerve root producing leg pain (sciatica), numbness, and weakness.
Microsurgical laminotomy and discectomy involves removing a part of the disc and decompressing the nerve root.
The surgical technique requires a very small incision (2 cm. in length) in the middle of the lower back exposing vertebra (lamina) above and below the disc herniation. A small window is made in the bony lamina overlying the disc herniation. Under the use of a microscope, the nerve root is identified, gently retracted and the piece of herniated disc is removed. Partial discectomy is performed with the use of small spinal instruments to clean out any other loose disc material.
This outpatient procedure allows the patient to be released to home usually within 2 hours.
Leg pain may immediately disappear. Numbness or leg weakness may take several weeks to resolve.